Female Humor Fitness Quotes | Gym Quotes For Women

Exercising along with a healthy diet is also important to keep yourself healthy. It would be very difficult for a person to lose weight and be overweight. In such cases, funny quotes are born in the mind. We’ve put together some Female Humor Fitness Quotes that will help you fit your health.

Gym quotes for women
Gym quotes for women

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

Exercise is like telling your body “You’re gonna hate me for this but you’ll thank me later”

When a girl is working out and she puts her hair into an obscene pineapple at the top of her head, You know SH*TS about to go down.

Female humor fitness quotes
Female humor fitness quotes

Taking off a sweaty sport bra should count as resistance training.

Fitness is not about being better than someone else… It’s about being better than you used to be.

When a girl is working out and tightens her ponytail, You know it’s about to go down.

Motivational gym quotes
Motivational gym quotes

I wear black when I workout because It’s a funeral for my fat.

It’s funny how exercise helps you live longer because whenever I exercise, It makes me feel like I’m dying.

If you run, you are a runner. It doesn’t matter how fast or how far. It doesn’t matter if today is your first day or if you’ve been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card get. You just run.

Humor funny fitness quotes
Humor funny fitness quotes

Train to be a bad ass. If I were murdered right now my chalk outline would be a circle. Get fit in the gym.

Don’t train to be skinny. When I feel like exercising I just lie down until the feeling goes away – Robert M. Time hold ups for no male person because time is definitely a female.

Make your body the sexiest outfit you own. The time will pass anyway Earl Nightingale. The hardest lift of all is lifting your butt off the couch.

Funny exercise sayings
Funny exercise sayings

I exercise in the morning before, My brain figures out what I’m doing.

My exercise routine consists of doing diddly squats.

The only thing that stands between you and what you want out of life is the will to try and faith to believe it’s possible.

The Iron is the great reference point the all-knowing perspective giver. God must love calories because he. Lose weight in the kitchen.

Gym quotes short
Gym quotes short

Don’t forget, You are what you eat. I need to eat a skinny person.

The Iron never lies to you. I decided to take an aerobics class. Working out is like therapy that also makes you fit.

It only Takes one person to change your life: It’s You.

An hour workout is 4 of your day. The class was over. The question isnt Can you Its Will you 31.

Gym quotes for instagram
Gym quotes for instagram

You don’t get the ass you want by sitting on it.

I bent twisted gyrated jumped up and down and perspired for half an hour. Sweat is just fat crying. Your fitness is 100 metal.

My fitness journey will be a lifelong journey Khloe Kardashian. Get in shape and do wonders for your mental health. I got 99 problems but I’m going to the gym to ignore all of them.

When my body shouts STOP my mind screams NEVER. The body achieves what the mind believes. I’m sorry for what I said during burpees.

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