Proverbs and quotes on various eating habits are often shared and it reduces mental stress. In this time, every person is suffering from some kind of problem, sometimes due to lack of relationships or due to illness or financial problems and sometimes because of work load. Getting rid of all these worries is of course difficult but one can entertain the heart in some way like Funny Stress Eating Quotes and enjoying favorite foods.

“We all have our ups and downs, for stress eating today, we’ve got you covered.”
“Yes it’s a self-indulgent account but this stress food is pretty.”
“You’ll never feel alone in the munchies.”
“Miss your favorite treats? It’s ok. Celebrate Saturday with a tasty bowl of mac and cheese.”

“You’re not alone if you’re chocolate craving is making all your other cravings feel inadequate.”
“It’s okay to eat your feelings—but you can feel better about it by making them healthy!”
“Ahhh…the life of an entrepreneur. There’s nothing that makes you feel better than a few (hundred) Oreos.”
“Sometimes you just have to say, “Screw it” and go all-in on that 2nd pint of ice cream.”
“You’re not gonna eat it all in one sitting, are ya?”

“There’s always room for ice cream at the end of a stressful day.”
“We get it. You had a bad day and you need to feed your soul. We’re here for you.”
“Eating ice cream is the most viral internet activity when you’re stressed.”
“Yeah. I don’t know about you, but when I’m stressed, it’s hard to find healthy ways to cope with that stress. I love seeing how others deal with this head-on. It makes me feel like less of a weirdo for stuffing my face.”

“Life is full of ups and downs so eat more.”
“We’re all for homemade ice cream during the summer, but when it comes to soothing a stressful day what do you reach for?”
“Hungry for a change? We’ve been there—these foods are the perfect solution to soothe stress.”
“Room for ice cream? We feel you. Sometimes, there’s just no other way to cope with the tangled life-knots we’re tangled inside of.”

“That feeling when you’re stressed or anxious and all you want to do is raid the fridge.”
“I’m sorry your ex broke up with you, but brownies are going to make everything feel better.”
“When life gives you a lemon, run to the kitchen and make yourself some comfort food.”
“The struggle is real, we understand but carrot cake is still delicious.”

“The body cannot bear to hear the same thing often. If you repeat it too much, it gets sour like wine that is kept in an earthenware vessel too long.”
“Stress eating: it happens to the best of us.”
“In memory of my stress eating days, here’s to all the hot wings and pizza rolls I used to love when I was stressed.”
“Feeling stressed out? We’ve all been there. Take a break, listen to some tunes or the birds chirping, and eat something you love without guilt.”

“When you really need a blueberry vodka soda, but it’s not quite 5 pm.”
“That one time you realize all your favorite snacks are already gone, and you’re too lazy to go grocery shopping.”
“We’re always here if you need to talk.”
“We don’t need to be so hard on ourselves—that leftover cake isn’t a mistake. Indulging in treats sometimes is fine.”

“Feeling stressed out? No worries—we can help you get your life together.”
“When your mind takes a journey to a stressful place and you forget about everything except for eating.”
“Eating your feelings is nothing to feel bad about. When you’re stressed out everything tastes better.”
“When the going gets tough, eat a cookie! Now I know that’s not always the best solution, but a girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do when things are really bad.”
“Because sometimes life gets away from you and the only thing that can help is some chocolate.”
“The weather outside is frightful—but inside, there are even more reasons to get excited. Today, we’ve got a collection of mouthwatering meals for you to try.”
“Hump Day used to be Wednesday. Now it is EVERYDAY not that I’m complaining, we have pizza place delivery now.”
“Stressed? Eat an Oreo. Even better when it’s half-dunked in milk.”
“When stress eating is a legitimate coping mechanism.”
“We get it, sometimes a stressful day deserves a stress-eating day.”
“Oh hey…there’s nothing wrong with a little stress eating. We feel you.”
“Today’s been one of those days, right? Chowing down on this bag of chips as if it’s going out of style is actually a way to release stress.”
“Weekend nights on the couch can add up fast, but a few small sacrifices can help get you back on track. How do you stress eat?”
“When your life gets so busy that you forget what it’s like to be hungry.”
“Keep it together. Let’s face it; life is stressful. And so is college. We get it. That’s why we created a line of naturally sweet snacks to help you chill out and keep studyin’ while munching on something yummy.”
“When you’re stressed, eating something sweet is one of the easiest ways to feel better.”
“No one is saying it’s easy—it takes skill, patience, and a level head. But if you can do it, then everyone else should be able to too.”
“You’re worth the wait.”
“Everyone is entitled to have a cheat meal every once in a while.”
“I fell asleep on the couch last night… Now I’m eating cereal just because there’s nothing else in the house.”
“We all do it. School projects, work deadlines, breakups—sometimes you just need to eat a pint of ice cream.”
“When I’m surrounded by deadlines and emails, all I want is a delicious pile of cookies.”
“You do you. No judgment here.”
“When you’re stressed, sometimes it’s easier to eat a pint of ice cream than face your problems.”
“We all know stress can drive us to make some really bad decisions.”
“Let’s end this week with a bang. It’s time to indulge in that classic junk food you’ve been craving all week. Press that giant floppy button and watch the magic!”
“Replace the word cake with work and see if you feel better.”
“Look, you’re not the only one. We’ve all been there. Let’s just finish this pint and watch it go away.”
“Don’t sweat it, champs. We’ve all been there.”
“This is the season for sharing and caring…and eating all the food.”
“It’s that time of the semester again. Good luck, everyone!”
“Sometimes you gotta go for the garnish.”
“Stress eating is so real. We can relate.”
“Don’t forget to eat, y’all.”
“Eat, drink, watch the season finale of your favorite show, and Happy National Stress Eating Day. May I recommend a hug + Whataburger?”
“There is a silver lining to stress eating—it is the one time you’ll allow yourself to eat your favorite sugary treats guilt-free.”
“It’s ok to eat when you are stressed out. Sometimes we can’t help it, but sometimes the stress eating gets out of hand—relax and take a deep breath.”
“Doll yourself up in a new outfit tomorrow night, and then satisfy your craving for some junk food with this girl’s guide to eating better.”
“Don’t stress, munch on something sweet instead.”
“You deserve a break today. Treat yourself to something that makes you feel good: a warm bath, a walk outside, or even a frozen pizza. Just relax!”
“Sometimes there’s just the no better remedy for a hard day than hitting up your favorite fast food joint and letting go of your worries.”
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